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                  GRANDFATHER PARADOX

                      The grandfather paradox is a self Contradictory situation The tariff in sometime travels in areas that are illustrated by the impossible scenario in which a person travels back in time only to kill their grandfather (Who could no longer go on to produce once parent, And hence where does that leave you on your ancestor killing event?). The paradox is sometimes taken as an argument against the logical possibility of travelling backwards in time according to the stanford encyclopaedia of philosophy.Within the framework of modern physics our there or ways to avoid the paradox of without dispensing With time travel altogether.


                           Let's Suppose you have a time machine that allows you to travel back into the past. while you're there you accidentally kill one of your grandparents - or any other direct ancestor Before they have any offstring. That would alter a whole chain of future events, including your own birth, which would no longer happen. But if you weren't born in the future then you couldn't kill your ancestor in the past - hence the paradox. It's a scenario that became popular in the science-fiction magazines of the 1920s and the 1930s,  according to the Historical Dictionary of science fiction, and the name "grandfather paradox" was firmly established by 1950.

                    Actually, you don't even need to kill anyone; there are many other ways you could change history that would result in your future non-existence. Perhaps the best-known example is the movie "Back to the Future," in which the time-traveling protagonist inadvertently drives a wedge between his parents before they were married - and then has to Work frantically to bring them together again. Moving from science fiction to science fact, one person who was eminently qualified to talk about the realities of time travel was the late Stephen Hawkings, arguably the most brilliant physicist of recent times. In 1999, he gave a lecture on "space and time wraps," which shows how Einstein's theory of general relativity might make the travel possible, by bending space - time back on itself.

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              One theoretical possibility that would allow time travel (and the ability to somehow kill off a Critical ancestor) is a special kind of warmhole. Among the most dramatic consequences the general relativity, wormholes are often described as shortcuts between one point in space and another. But, as hawking explained in His lecture, a wormhole could possibly loop back to an earlier point in time - a situation technically known as a "closed time-like her curve" (CTC). 

            But If physics allows backward time travel, woudn't the grandfather paradox still cause issues? Hawking suggested two possible ways to get around the paradox in his scenario. First, there's what he referred to as the "Consistent histories" model, in which the whole of time-past, present and future - is rigidly predetermined; in the way, you can only travel back to an earlier point in time if you had already been there in your own history. In this "block universe" mode, as it's sometimes called, one could travel to the past but doing so would not alter it according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation.  Taking this view, the grandfather paradox could never arise. With Hawking's second option, on the other hand, the situation is more subtle.


                     The second approach to travelling back in time invokes quantum physics, where an event may have several possible outcomes with a different likelihood of occurring.

                       As described by the stanford encyclopaedia of Philosophy, "many words" Interpretation of quantum theory sees all these various outcomes as occurring in different, "parallel" timelines. In this view, the Grandfather paradox could be resolved if the time traveler starts out in a timeline where their grandfather lived long enough to have children, and then - after going back and killing their forebear - continue along a parallel time track in which they will never be born. (The Stanford Encyclopedia has a more detailed look at why you cannot jump back and forth between parallel and timelines at will.) As Hawking pointed out in his 1999 lecture, this seems to be the implicit assumption behind sci-fi treatments such as "Back to the Future."

              At the time that movie was made in 1985 the parallel world explanations of the grandfather paradox was merely a philosophical Conjecture. In 1991, however, it was put on firmer ground by the physicist David Deutsch, as New Scientist Reported at the time. Deutsch Showed that while the parallel timeline is normally Incapable of interacting with each other, the situation changes in the vicinity of a closed time-like curve (CTC), when the wormhole curves the back on itself. Here, just as the sci-fi Writers imagined, the different timelines are able to cross over - so that when a CTC looks back into the past, it's the past of a different timeline. And you, the grandfather-killer, would only have existed in the other.


              As surprising as it sounds, there's actually some experimental support for Deutsch's Solution to the grandfather paradox. In 2014, a team at the University of Queensland who examined a simpler time-travel scenario argues that entitled a similar logical paradox. The researchers described the work in their paper published that year in the journal nature communications. The idea was that a subatomic particle Had to go back in time to flip the Switch that resulted in his creations; if the switch wasn't flipped, the particle would never exist in the first place.

           A key future of Deutsch's theory is that the various probabilities have to be self-consistent. For instance, in Queensland research for example, if there's a 50:50 chance the particles travel back in time, then there must also be a 50:50 chance that the switch gets flipped to create the particle in the first place. In the absence of a time machine, a researcher set up an experiment involving a pair of photons, which they climbed was logically equivalent to a single photon travelling back in time to "create" itself. The experiment was a success, with the result validating Deutsch's self-consistency theory.


A butterfly on a road indicating the butterfly effect.

              Killing your grandfather when he was a child is a sure-fire way to ensure you're never born. But there was also subtler possibilities for missing up the timeline in a sufficiently complex system even the tiniest change can have a serious long-term consequences as in the butterfly effect by which the flapping of butterflies can you actually 1952 story a sound of thunder which can be read online at the internet travel bag to the time of the dinosaur where he was accidentally steps on a butterfly then return to the presence to find society changed beyond the recognition it's easy to imagine that if the social changes where sweeping enough that Time Traveller might have prevented his own birth as surely as if heard slim a grandparent

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             But would that really be the case, using the quantum approach to the grandfather paradox? Recent work at the Los Alamos of National Laboratory indicates that the course of history is more resilient than the butterfly effect might suggest. The researchers used a quantum computer to simulate time travel into the past, where a piece of information was deliberately damaged - the computational equivalent of stepping on a Jurassic-era butterfly. But unlike Bradbury's story, the knock-on effect in the "present" of the computer simulation turned out to the relatively small and insignificent. That, of course, is great news for would-be time travellers. As long as you refrain from blatantly silly acts like killing a direct ancestor, it may be possible to go back in time without any paradoxial consequences at all.


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